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Top 7 Simple and Efficient Hacks to Clean Your iPhone

Use a microfiber cloth: The first step to cleaning your iPhone is to wipe it down with a soft, microfiber cloth. This will remove any dust or dirt from the surface of your phone. Use a screen ...

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Expert Advice to Fix your Water Damaged Smart iPhone:

Turn off your iPhone: The first thing you should do if your iPhone gets wet is to turn it off immediately. This will prevent any further damage to the internal components. Remove the SIM card and ...

Best Place to get your Broken iphone Repair Fixed

The best definition for a bad day would be like dropping your iPhone. It is just as similar and severe to a mild heart attack. Isn’t it? Fret not even if you have witnessed this situation. You are ...

Top 7 Charging Mistakes that kill your iPhone Battery

Letting Your iPhone Battery Drain Completely: While it’s not always practical, letting your iPhone battery drain completely can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan. Try to charge your ...